we move fast. expect concise[ness], clarity, efficiency...all things quickly and to the point, for us to process, quickly, and move to the next. good, at times, in our time strapped business world. but it's an over used maxim and we've fallen victim to the illusion that anything worth knowing comes in easily processed bytes.
we're at risk of losing the beautiful, comple,x metaphor, the well crafted allegory.
i'm reading melville's 'confidence man.' in a sentence that reads more like a paragraph it takes him well over a hundred words to say 'the ferry is crowded and people keep getting on and off.' he dresses the mundane with the extraordinary, concluding with this 'like Rio Janerio fountain, fed from the Corcovado mountains, which is ever overflowing with strange waters, but never with the same strange particles in every part.' it's fucking beautiful, and anything but concise. you'll of course argue that this language and pace has it's place, just not in the business world. i'll say the business world is no different than any other part of your world. evoke the floral. be long winded and inspire.