I had a love-hate relationship with National Public Radio for years. I loved the idea of great news radio but I felt distanced by random high-brow-esque stories from random Cambridgites who felt the need to extol the virtues of tracing their lineage to the Mayflower. Between this and the sometimes esoteric stories about making butter in the region once known as Tibet, I felt NPR was anything but public radio, unless of course your idea of the public is stuffy white folk.
Now, I am in love. It took the beautifully shrill voice of Ira Glass on This American Life. Nerdy? Yes. Amazingly simple, down to earth and honest? Checks across the board. This American Life delivers stories in a truly accessible voice with the right amount of entertainment and weight to engage listeners of all types from all walks...you know, the public. The most amazing story ever told is The Giant Pool of Money. The most glorious way to learn how the capitalistic system nearly hung itself.
I just want to say thanks to Ira and the team. Especially the folks over at Planet Money . A team dedicated to kicking your ass into an economic powerhouse (or at least someone who understands what the hell is going on).
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