Public transportation is underutilized, underdeveloped and a poor example of our fine nation's innovation and social achievements. It's equally obvious that our cities' streets are cluttered with inefficient delivery vehicles often idling and exhaling their carcinogens to an already troubled atmosphere.
Today's Preposterous Proposition is a birds and stones solution (you know...two for one): Dedicate a number of subway cars for freight, build an infrastructure to support quick offloading and transfer deliveries to electric/clean energy light vehicles that will complete short delivery to destinations in a select radius around each stop. In peak hours delivery trucks would be banned from city limits, except for special exceptions and a toll would be charged for delivery trucks that need to come into city limits. POW.
Designer Philip Hermes presented a similar concept titled Urban Mole for the 2009 VisionWorks Awards. The system used pneumatic tubes to deliver smaller goods.
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