And, while the list is long... I'm specifically referring to how we communicate. And that's not to say that we need to communicate more clearly or succinctly; after all, succinct communication takes effort, time and heavy filtering, which can ultimately lead to message alteration/loss of poignancy. We shouldn't create a mess of our words; but, we should be careful not to lose purity of meaning through our filters (let's learn a lesson from bottled water).
The above said. Here's the source of motivation: the work of artist Michal Kubacki, the man behind "timeless line" (note I'm not a fan of "branding" a technique, but I like the motivation behind this). Timeless line is an exploration of how the unfettered subconscious is expressed. It's direct, unfiltered art. And I dig it.
There's a lot to learn from an approach like Kubacki's. What happens when we deconstruct our filters? Are we, and our clients, doing ourselves an injustice by operating within the confines of social norms, tradition and the established service relationship? Does true synergy require the meeting of the subconscious?
Here's Kubacki's statement and a quick video. Thanks to Atielier29
It all began one day when I was drawing.
I began to realize that my subconscious, not my conscious self, was guiding my hand and I was merely holding the pen for my subconscious to draw through me. Upon this momentous realization, I began to notice life in different dimensions of time. This influenced me so much, that I could not deny absolute of being.
I draw "Alla prima" with ink, sometimes I use marker pen on paper. I invented a special technique which expresses my philosophy- TIMELESSLINE.'
Timeless drawing from Timelessline on Vimeo.