Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Digital Quilt: A Response Against Burning Things...Like Books

I'm blown away that after all the hundreds of thousands of years around this earth humans have yet to evolve beyond destroying things to solve their differences. There are signs everywhere but the hubub around this "International Koran Burning Day" is hitting me hard (you can hear more here or check the video below and of course they have a Facebook page here).

So I have a thought (albeit an incomplete one...please add and share). Simple as this. I want a digital representation of hope and unity. I want a digital quilt that unites all of us out there that know we are evolving to a more tolerant species. I want to collect images, ideas, video, all expressions of unity and weave them into an interactive digital fabric.

You may argue this is already being done by default (you know YouTube etc.)...but I want a 100% pure dedicated space that will serve as a direct response to demonstrations of hatred and intolerance. We could have separate quilts for different events/topics.

Beyond demonstrating our collective beauty and, well, reason... it would be a chance to steal some of the spotlight the radical movements get (which do nothing but further the volley of hatred). That way we can stop getting all excited about the handful of folks causing a ruckus and start focusing on what's going to make us better.

It's really as simple as that. I just need to find someone who loves the idea as much as I do to help me build it. I think all the tools exist. In a dream world this gets picked up tomorrow and we execute it before 9/11...oh ahem...International Koran Burning Day. Who wants to help?

Some other thoughts:
  • It'd be neat to have the interface be like this: http://www.oskope.com/
  • I think it would be cool if the "quilt" was laid out over a globe so you could see where the posts were coming from
  • All forms of media should be accepted

Let the radicals try and tear things down, the rest of us will focus on building it up.

Here's an interview with CNN on hate:

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Derek. Wanted to make sure you saw this great Op-Ed in yesterday's NYT: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/08/opinion/08mosque.html?_r=2&hp

    Good luck pulling together the project. Wish I had "skills" to help you.
